Most employees are more than happy to read the policies and procedures they are required to, and sign to confirm they have read and understood the contents.

However, this is an area of a management system that Auditors like to look at and is easy pickings for simple mistakes. Some like to think that if records for briefing staff are messy then what else might they find… Avoid the trap and keep your system as simple as possible and help your teams to conform to the latest requirements.

System for Dissemination

Decide what’s right for your business and the structure of teams you have. Is an email requiring acknowledgement enough?? Can some Teams come together to be briefed on salient points?? Are there regular Departmental Meetings that can have document updates as an agenda item?? All are adequate ways of sharing the updates and ensuring employees are engaged and aware of an ever-improving management system

Clear Document Identification

Make sure that management system documents have an easy-to-read heading that states a document reference, the document title, issue and revision status. Ensure that documents are easily accessible and a useful Index is available.

The Training Record Itself
The Training Record is a controlled document too, so if it helps, send the latest version out with any communications, thereby ensuring that your records reflect current best practise.

Expectations for Completion
Employees should be aware of the company’s policies and procedures from induction. The message of expectation and compliance should be clearly communicated. If everyone understands that engaging with updates and properly recording them, then you create a culture that will help all aspects of the business.

If you need any more information regarding document control or any area of ISO 9001 – Quality Assurance, get in contact now on…
07795 564089
01303 891809